SRG验厂,Super Retail Group验厂与认证咨询上海倾禹企业管理咨询有限公司,专业的SRG验厂咨询辅导机构,SRG验厂_SRG认证_SRG验厂咨询_SRG验厂辅导_SRG验厂培训,欢迎随时随地联系上海倾禹来咨询。 SRG验厂注意事项: SRG全称Super Retail Group,为澳大利亚一个品牌商。 SRG验厂包含SRG人权验厂(即SRG社会责任验厂),SRG质量验厂(也叫SRG QMS验厂)两个部分,一般指定SGS审核,审核中出现的所有问题点需要全部整改。目前SRG人权验厂也接受BSCI的标准。
SRG质量验厂,SRG QMS验厂审核清单 1.1 工厂简介 Brief introduction of factory。 1.2 营业执照 Business license; 1.3 公司组织架构图 Organization chart; 1.4 (公司)厂区/厂房平面图 Factory’s plane figure-factory floor plans; 1.5 生产工序流程图 Production process chart; 2.1 ISO9000证书及最近一次外审报告ISO 9000 certificate and the calibration records; 2.12 设备维护计划和记录 Equipment maintainence plan and records; 2.13 CE/EMC/相关的产品测试化验报告CE/ EMC/ Relevant product lab test reports; 2.14 其它相应有效的安全证书Other corresponding valid safety certificate; 3.1 开发设计控制程序Design control procedure 3.2 设计计划或任务书及审核记录 Design planning and input review record; 3.3 验证和确认记录 verification and validation records; 3.4 设计产品检测报告 design testing and record; 3.5 设计输出(技术文件,物料单, 包装、使用说明)Design output (technical file, BOM, Packing and using description); 3.6 设计变更记录 (ECN); 4.1 供应商评审程序及记录Monitoring procedure and records of suppliers; 4.2 供应商清单/合格供应商清单Suppliers list and qualified supplier list; 4.3 采购单、采购合同 Purchase orders and purchase contracts; 5.1 来料中免检产品的质量保证书Quality guaranty for exempt from inspection of incoming material/Receiving and distribution records/Purchasing contracts; 5.2 来料验货标准及规格书 IQC standard and specifications; 5.3 来料检查、测试报告 IQC reports; 5.4 来料收发记录Incoming material/Receiving and distribution records; 5.5 不良品退货、让步接收记录 Control procedure and concession records for defect goods; 6.1 作业指导书 Working instructions; 6.2 巡检记录 In line inspection records; 6.3 IPQC检验测试标准、记录 IPQC Input inspection standard and records; 6.4 不良品处理记录 Rejected goods control records; 6.5 组装线工具利器(刀片,断针等)收发控制记录Procedure for controlling the use and recovery of hand tools, knives, needles, etc; 6.6 金属探测记录 Metal detection records in process; 7.1 终检检验测试标准、记录 FQC/OQC inspection standard and reports/ Defect goods control records; 7.2 终检不良品处理记录 Rejected goods control records; 7.3 use and recovery of hand tools, knives,needles, etc/Metal detection records at; 7.4 终检金属探测记录 FQC/OQC Metal detection records; 7.5 发货记录 Release records; SRG社会责任验厂审核清单: 1.工卡或考勤记录(过去十二个月),包括在职与离职人员。如果是使用电子考勤,审核员可能需要从计算 机直接审阅考勤记录,审阅是会在企业职员协助下进行。 Timecards or Attendance Records (Last 12 Months), including active employees and resignation employees. If electi'onics time card is used, the auditor may need to review the time record directly fiom the computei; with the assistance from the facility staff; 2.工资表(过去十二个月),包括在职与离职人员。如果工资是通过银行转账发放,请同时提供银行转账记录。 Payioll Records (Last 12 months)), including active employees and resignation employees. If wage paid by Bank Transfei、Bank Transfer record is required accordingly; 3.员工花名册及员工个人档案(含身份证复印件); Employee Roster and Employee Personnel Records (including I.D. card copy); 4.劳动合同; Labor Contract; 5.请假记录,离职审请/审批记录; Leave Application Form. Resignation Application Form with Approval; 6.社会保险收据,参保人员花名册,肖地参保要求文件或合格证明文件等; Social Insurance Receipts, Name List, Social Insurance Local Policy or Qualified Certificate, etc.; 7.工商营业执照; Business Registiation; 8.建筑工程消防验收意见书或消防备案记录、消防检查报告; Constniction Project File Safety Acceptance Docimient/Record or File Safety Inspection Certificate; 9.消防演习记录、紧急疏散计划及工伤记录等 Fire Drill Record, Emergency Evacuation Plan, Work Accident Records and Work-related Injury Record 10.特种设备注册登记证(表)及检验报告,如屯梯、起重机械、场(厂)内专用机动车辆、锅炉及压力 容器(含气瓶,压力表及安全阀)等(如有) Special Appliance Registration Certificate and Inspection Report, such as Lift, Lifting Appliance, Inside Special motor vehicle. Boiler and Compressing Equipment (including Gas Cylinders, Gauge and Safety Valve) and etc.. 特种设备作业人员操作证,如电梯司机、起重机械司机、场(厂)内专用机动车辆司机、锅炉操作工、 压力容器操作工等(如有)。 Special Opeiation License, such as Electrician, Welder and etc, if any: Special Appliance Operator Certificate, such as Lift Operator, Lifting Appliance Operator, Inside Special motor vehicle Driver. Boiler Operator and etc., if any. 12.厨房餐饮服务许可证及厨工健康证 Kitchen's Catering Seivice License and Cooks' Health Certificate 13.职业危害因素检测报告和职业健康体检记录 Occupational Hazards Factors Testing Report and Occupational Health Exaniinatioii Records 14.环保文件(如建设项目环境影响评价文件(环境影响报告书、环境影响报告表或者环境影响登记 表),环评批复,建设项目环境竣工验收报告,排污许可证/排放污染物审报登记表/监测报告,辐射设备 (如有)的环评、验收及安全许可证等) Enviromnental Documents such as Enviioiunental Impact Assessment (EIA) Docimients (Enviionmental Impact Report, Environmental Impact Report Fomi or fill out Environmental Impact Registration Form), EIA Approval, Acceptance Check of Environinental Protection of Constraction Projects, Pollutant Discharging Pemiit /Declaration Fomi of Pollutants Discharged /Monitoring Report, Radiation Safety^ (if any) EIA report, 15.危险废物处置单位的营业执照,经营许可证,危险废物处理合同,危险废物转移联单等 Disposal Duplicated Form 16.企业规章制度或员工手册 Enteq)rise Regulation or Employee Handbook 17.政府有关当地最低工资标准文件 Local Minimum Wage Standard 18.肖地劳动局关于综合计算工时工作制批文或延长加班批文 Official Comprehensive Working Hour System Approval or Waiver for Overtime Extension 19.未成年工体检及劳动局登记记录 Young Workers! Health Examination and Registiation Records 20.建筑平面图 Facility Building Layout 21.劳务派遣工的入职档案(含身份证复印件,入职曰期等),考勤及工资表记录,劳动合同,社会保险收 据及合格证明,与劳务派遣单位签订的合同及劳务派遣单位的营业执照 Dispatched Employees1 Personal Files with ID Card Copy and Employment Date, Attendance & Payroll Records, Laboi Contiacts, Social Insurance Receipt & Ceitificates? Contract signed with Labor Agent and the Business License of Labor Agent 社会责任审核所需之文件 Document Checklist for CSR Audit 22.化学品清单,化学品物质安全资料表和化学品安全培训记录,以及危险化学品事故应急救援预案或演 List of Chemical, MSDS and Chemical Safety Training Records, dangerous chemical emergency succor plan or drill 23.机器设备清单 Equipment List 24.生产记录,如生产日报表、断针记录、计件记录、品检记录等 Production Records, such as Daily Production Records, Needle Broken Records, Piece-rate Records, Quality Contiol Records, and etc. 25.其它文件(视乎审核情况所需) Other documents, subject to actual circumstances during the audit SRG工厂认证怎么办,工厂SRG认证如何处理?SRG验厂,SRG认证有何应对方法? SRG工厂认证是一个比较复杂的流程,涉及到如何申请认证,现场整改,资料准备,现场审核等一套复杂的验厂与认证流程,而简单有效的方法就是找一家咨询公司来帮忙辅导,上海倾禹咨询就是一家SRG验厂与认证的专业咨询公司,手把手的教会工厂怎么申请SRG认证,提出整改建议,帮助工厂制定验厂计划和整改措施,并全程陪同整改,全程陪同审核,可确保工厂SRG认证(SRG认证)全程无忧。
友情提示: 上海倾禹企业管理咨询有限公司为您全程打造经济省钱省心的验厂与认证方案,一对一全程跟踪,全程辅导,指定验厂与认证伙伴,让您快速通过验厂,快速拿到证书,快速赢得客户订单。 上海倾禹企业管理咨询有限公司已先后在上海市_江苏省_浙江省_安徽省_山东省,湖北省,湖南省,河北省,河南省,陕西省,北京市,天津市,辽宁省,吉林省,黑龙江省,内蒙古自治区,新疆,福建省,江西省,广东省,四川省,宁夏等省市成功辅导了多家工厂的社会责任验厂人权验厂,品质验厂,反恐验厂,体系认证,取得了非常好的成果,积累了良好的信誉,任何有关验厂与认证的疑难杂症问题欢迎随时随地来电咨询。 |
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